NEW MACG Orientation!

Ever felt like you didn't quite understand what MACG is and how it works? 

This orientation is for you!

Everyone is welcome to come to our brand-new orientation "What is MACG."

At this two-hour orientation you'll learn the answers to the questions:

  • What is MACG?
  • What is institutional organizing?
  • How does it strengthen my institution?
  • How does it reduce isolation and build connection?
  • How does it lessen polarization and strengthen the center? 
  • How does being part of the MACG alliance lead to real positive changes in the public arena?

We are offering two sessions before our March 31 Delegate Assembly.

Wednesday, March 23, 4:00 pm

Register for 3-23-22 Zoom link

Monday, March 28 at 7:00 pm

Register for 3-28-22 Zoom link

Join us!