Remembering Stan Aschenbrenner

Stan Aschenbrenner, member of Lake Oswego United Methodist Church, and longtime MACG leader, died on August 11th at the age of 89.

Stan brought commitment, passion, warmth, and wisdom to our work, always inspiring our gatherings with his thoughtful and motivating remarks and his tireless action.

For years, his comment on how organizing turned his cynicism into optimistic and effective upstream action, graced MACG's brochures:

“I used to be utterly cynical about American public life. It was like a rock in my shoe. I developed enough calluses to live with it, and believed doing charity and volunteering was all that I could do. Then came the great turning – a MACG basic training in which I saw how I could change the system and structures that create the need for charity in the first place.”

He practiced what he preached, and was an active, committed longtime member of MACG's former Health Care, and Domestic Violence Survivor Housing Research Action Teams.

We will miss him greatly and are holding his family, friends and community in our thoughts.

If you would like to read more about Stan, his obituary is here.