2019 Welcoming Week

MACG member, Spirit of Grace is partnering with the City of Beaverton to host Voices from the Margins, a 2019 Welcoming Week event. The event will feature female speakers from the local immigrant community: Olive Bukuru, Burandi, Sosan Amiri, Afghanistan, Inés Paulina Ramírez, Ecuador. After listening, participants will gather in small discussion groups led by MACG leaders. The goal of Welcoming Week is to promote conversation between immigrants, refugees, and U.S.-born residents to raise awareness of the benefits of welcoming everyone.  Live music, food & drinks provided. FREE and open to the public. Click here to learn more.

September 14, 2019 at 6:30pm - 9pm
Spirit of Grace
7400 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
Beaverton, OR 97008
United States
Google map and directions