Health Justice Forum August 12, 2023


Health Equity and Leadership at Richmond (HEAL-R) is a grassroots movement based out of the OHSU Richmond Clinic in SE Portland, which provides a space for our patients and community to identify and act on health justice issues most impactful to them, their families and community.

The most pressing issue identified by HEAL-R leaders over the last 1.5 years is the need for a systemic solution for the lack of continuity of healthcare for adults in custody post-release. After a collective process of listening, learning, and discerning lead by those with lived expertise, the leaders believe the greatest impact will come through increased collaboration between Multnomah County Corrections Health and community healthcare delivery systems that focus on primary care, acupuncture, massage, and mental health support. 

HEAL-R would like to invite all members of the MACG community to their upcoming Health Justice Forum on Saturday August 12, 3-5pm at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Tigard. The purpose of this event is to bring together leaders from excluded communities and decision-makers from the region to envision a healthcare system that works for EVERYBODY: immigrants, refugees, incarcerated people, and Spanish-speakers. Not to be forgotten will be the free tacos and live Afro-Cuban music!

Register Here

Questions? Contact Hilary Nichols at [email protected]

August 12, 2023 at 3:00pm - 5pm
St Anthony Catholic Church