Medication Labeling Campaign Approved at MACG Delegate Assembly
MACG’s Delegate Assembly drew 50 people to an invigorating evening of action and learning on October 25. Thank you to Spirit of Grace Church in Beaverton for hosting.
OHSU Health Equity Circle students from the OHSU School of Nursing made an exciting progress report. Students and faculty have been working for months on a bill to address the health impact on non-English speaking immigrant communities caused by English-only labeling on medications. Patients cause harm to their bodies or fail to alleviate their symptoms when they do not take their medications correctly.
The bill would require pharmacies in Oregon to provide prescription container labeling to patients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in a language they can read, free of charge. In addition to the support of Rep. Mitch Greenlick, Chair, House Committee on Health Care, the bill has two sponsors - Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon and Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson.
The next step will be to move the proposed legislation through the 2019 Oregon Legislative Session. The Delegate Assembly voted to endorse this campaign.
Other action teams reported on their progress (read more here) and invited in new members. Delegates then wrestled at their tables in group conversations about what action areas they thought would help build engagement and power within their institutions.
Patrik McDade, of People-Places-Things, led an Equity and Inclusion Awareness Exercise using a Social Power Mapping Tool that members filled out at a previous meeting. Participants reflected on the results of that mapping, including the overall power of MACG as an organization.
More action updates to come as our teams continue their work. The next Delegate Assembly is on February 28, 2019, 7:00 - 8:30 location Clackamas County TBA. Mark your and your institution’s calendars to make sure your community’s voice is represented.
See more pictures of the night here.