Mental Health Campaign June Meeting

Just a friendly reminder that our next mental health campaign meeting is next Thursday, June 8th at 6:30 PM!

Check out the flyer below for all the details.



Dia: Jueves, 8 de Junio 

Hora: 630 PM- 830 PM 

Donde: ZOOM 

Meeting ID: 862 7531 0667 

Passcode: NdØHJF 

Confirma su asistencia

 Que esperar: Identificar a las personas que se verían más afectadas por esta soluciónes (constituyentes), las personas que apoyarían nuestros esfuerzos (aliados), las personas que estarían en contra de nuestros esfuerzos (oponentes) y las 



Day: Thursday, June 8th 

Time: 630 PM- 830 PM 

Place: ZOOM 

Meeting ID: 862 7531 0667 

Passcode: NdØHJF 

RSVP: English

What to expect 

Further refine our solutions by defining our long-term goals, intermediate goals, and short-term goals 

Identify the people who would be most affected by this solution (constituents), the people who would support our efforts (allies), the people who would be against our efforts (opponents), and the people with the power to give us what we want (decision maker). 

personas con el poder de darnos lo que queremos (tomador de decisiones).


June 08, 2023 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm