Wrestling Planning Meeting at Havurah Shalom
Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our in-person Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization meeting at Havurah Shalom. MACG would like to thank Rabbi Benjamin for hosting the event and allowing us to use this sacred space for planning and reflection. We also thank Rabbi Benjamin for opening the meeting with the use of instrument and song. This added to the richness of culture and feeling welcomed by Havurah’s traditions. Solveig brought us “7 Principles for Awakening Leadership” based on EcoFaith Reccovery’s practices.
The 7 principles include
ACCESS spiritual power
DEVELOP relationships
DISCOVER our stories
MENTOR one another
ACT together
REFLECT on our actions
RESTORE balance
These 7 principles can create a strong foundation for organizing and within relational meetings. We took time within a few groups to reflect on these principles and how we can apply it as we strengthen our Wrestling journeys. From there each group shared their reflections and how MACG can turn these principles into follow up calls to action within the Wrestling Cohort and as we extend to future trainees of WWTTC. We also closely examined new ways to engage with past, current, and future graduates.
Latesha had everyone participate in an activity where we combined the principles with calls to action that cohorts may be interested in. Latesha used the symbolism of a tree, as there are roots which grounds and locks the tree firmly in place, the trunk which is the foundation and support of the tree, branches which feeds the tree and creates new connections and smaller branches. Each group wrote down 3 action oriented goals for the wrestling group and placed them on the tree where they felt it matched the physical makeup of the tree. For example “commitment to show up” was placed on the trunk. After explanation and discussion of these items each individual put their name on at least 1 sticky note to which area they felt committed to creating a team where action, discussion, and planning of the deepening of these groups.
MACG and the Wrestling Team would like to invite all past and future cohorts access to these groups. We have compiled an email list for those in each group so they can begin to form and allow space to begin the work. MACG will hold another in-person meeting in mid to late August so that everyone can have an opportunity to hear the mission of each team and decide if they would like to participate in 1 or more groups. We will have round tables setup so everyone can stop by the table/s of interest and move toward any group they feel compelled to join. If you join the email list of one of these groups prior to the next cohort meeting, understand this phase is exploratory and there will be additional space and time to hear the workings of the other groups so everyone can decide where they feel best to put their time, energy, and skills to best use.
The groups that sprouted from our planted seeds to form a strong tree include…
Strategic Planning and Discernment
Legislative Agenda Preparation for 2024
Regular strategic discernment
Re/shared interests and actions
2. Act Together
Committing to showing up in the spaces we have been invited such as NAYA and Eloheh Farm
Reciprocity by hosting an event for Native and Indigenous friends the same as they have hosted MACG within their institutions as Cohort group
Volunteering individually or within groups or institutions to break the barriers or nervousness associated with entering these spaces alone
Personalized ways to serve, finding other ways to volunteer based on skill sets such as Many Nations Academy, community garden, supervising open gym night etc.
Deepening Existing Relationships (D.E.A.R)
3. Orientations and Trainings
Orientations for expectations entering Indigenous spaces and preview to WWTTC
Training Assisting with local facilitation, planning, and follow up for participants of WWTTC held by nonlocal IAFNW Affiliates
Expansion of institutions by offering Orientations if trainings is not available or they are exploratory but want to follow the call to action to help in Indigenous and or Native spaces
Building Capacity within MACG
Youth Engagement
4. Practices for Changing World View
Worldviews reflections and interpretations
Read excerpts from books and/or passages related to Indigenous teachings
Reflecting together